Getting There
Coming via Maine Turnpike North or South Take Exit 7, coming off exit proceed straight (1.7 miles) to Rte. 1, Main St. Turn left onto Rte. 1 north. At 4th set of lights (1 mile) bear right following signs toward Rte. 77 south. Proceed straight on Broadway approximately 2 miles. Just past Capt. Newick's Restaurant (on right) take right at the 2nd light. From this point proceed straight to end of Broadway (approx. 1 mile) Take right at stop sign onto Benjamin W. Pickett St.-- 200 yards to campus.
Follow Rte 1 north past entrance to Maine Turnpike (exit 7) in So. Portland, then follow directions as if coming off Maine Turnpike at exit 7 (above).
Enter the Maine Turnpike in Augusta. Take 1st exit you come to (to 95 south). Stay on 95 (turns into 295) until you come into downtown Portland. Take exit 6A (Forest Avenue South). Immediately bear to the right onto Rte 77 South and follow all the way through downtown. At bottom of large hill road bears right over Casco Bay bridge. After bridge proceed straight through lights and follow Broadway as above.