2003-2004 CTAM Membership



Community Television Association of Maine

P.O. Box 2124    South Portland, Maine  04116

E-mail:  [email protected]                  Website:  www.ctamaine.org


(Membership Expires June 30, 2004)

 Name of Member:
(Name of Municipality or Access Center IF VOTING MEMBERSHIP, Individual�s Name if NON-VOTING)          


Address: _____________________________________, Maine ______ (Zip)

Day Phone: __________   Fax:__________   Evenings (optional): __________

E-mail address(es):   _________________________________________________

Please Check Appropriate Membership Category:

            ____  Voting Membership (Organization)           $50.00

    Person designated to cast vote on behalf of your organization:

     __________________________   Their Phone Number: _______

            ____  Non-Voting Membership (Individual)        $37.50

How did you learn about CTAM? ______________________________________________________________

Please Make Check Payable To: The Community Television Association of Maine

And mail with this form  to:

     The Community Television Association of Maine

P.O. Box 2124

South Portland, Maine 04116


Thank you for your support !

Rev. 03-10-03

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  1. https://www.sangomahealing.com/
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  5. https://www.harbourtonfoundation.org/
  6. https://newcovenantumc.org/
  7. https://clairemarieleguay.com/
  8. https://islamiccouncilofoklahoma.org/
  9. https://ctamaine.org/
  10. https://mccabechapelumc.org/
  11. https://voneinspired.com/
  12. https://www.talkforlife.org/
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