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Meeting Notice

April 2002 Meeting
TUESDAY, April 23rd - 6:30 PM
Channel 99 - Rockland City Hall
270 Pleasant Street
From Route 1 South , just
past the Thomaston/Rockland line, (approx 100 yards) take Pleasant Street (right
turn before Rockland Welding Supply, gray building), cross railroad tracks (100
feet). Take first right into Rockland City Hall. It's a gray building standing
alone with a sign out front. Go all the way around to rear of building for
council chamber entrance.
From Route 1 North , pass
through Rockland with Route 1A bypass (right at McDonalds), picking up Route 1
again at intersection of Park/Broadway (there's a First National Bank across the
intersection). Take right onto Route 1 south toward Thomaston about a mile from
intersection you'll see Rockland Welding Supply(gray building on left, just
beyond EL Spear building supply and WMCM radio station). Take next left
onto Pleasant Street and first right after railroad trax into City Hall. Proceed
to rear council chamber entrance.
From Route 17 (Augusta) ,
take North Street (across from golf course) to intersection of North/Broadway.
Take right onto Broadway which is Route 1A bypass, follow to intersection of
Route 1/Broadway, Take Route 1 south toward Thomaston about a mile. Take left at
Rockland Welding Supply(gray building) and first right after railroad tracks
into city Hall proceed to rear council chamber entrance.
We will share information about a variety of nonlinear editing
systems. This is a great way to find out the pros and cons of systems now in use
in Maine�s public access stations.
For more information, call Dan at 727-5702
CTAM�s annual meeting will be on June 25 in Bridgton. Save the

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