We are in the process of transitioning to our new website which we will debut Summer 2020. In the meantime, should you wish to enroll as a Member or a Sponsor of CTAM, please email [email protected] as the information previously listed on this site is not current.

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Our Sponsors

Please support our CTAM sponsors! Click on the below banner ads to view their larger ad or to visit their website . . .

Maine Community TV Station Websites

Here are links to websites maintained by Maine access centers. Not all access centers have their own websites. Note to access center managers: Please update your own center's information as needed or let our webmaster know if any changes or additions of new access centers are necessary!
Augusta, CTV 7
BaCAT - Baileyville Community Access Television
Bangor, City Of
Bath, City Of - (BCTV-7)
Belfast Community TV - Channel 7
Berwick Community TV
Bethel - WHAT Western Hills Access Television
Biddeford Public Access
Bonny Eagle Television Ch 9
Boothbay Region Community TV
Bridgton - Lake Region Television (LRTV)
Brunswick TV 3
Camden, Town of
Cape Elizabeth TV (CETV)
Carrabassett Valley - WSKI Channel 17
Conway - Valley Vision Community Television
Crossroads TV
Cumberland, Town of
Durham, Town of
Ellsworth Community Television
Falmouth Community Television Channel 2
Fort Kent TV
Freeport Community TV (FCTV-3)
Gorham - Commnity Access TV Channel 3
Gorham - GOCAT Channel 2
Gray Public Access
Great Falls TV
Greene, WGLT-TV7
Harpswell HTV
Houlton Community Television
Kennebunk Government Television
Kittery Channel 22
Lincoln County TV (LCTV)
Madawaska High School - Channel 16
Madison - CATV-11
Mars Hill Access Channel
Massabesic Middle School - Channel 16
Mt. Blue Community Access TV
New Gloucester Community Access TV
Newport - Nokomis Warrier Broadcasting - RSU 19
Norway Paris Community TV (NPC-TV)
Ogunquit Channel 3 (WOGT)
Old Orchard Beach Community Television
Orono, Town of
Phippsburg Community Television
Portland Media Center - Public Access and CTN-5
Portland Schools - TV3
Rangeley, Town of
Raymond, Town of
Rockport - Maine Coast Community Television 7
Saco River Community Television
Saco, City Of
Sacopee Valley High School - TV2
Scarborough Community Television Channels 2 & 3
Searsport Community TV (SCTV-7)
Skowhegan - Bee Line TV
South Portland - S.P.E.A.C. Channel 3
South Portland Community Television
Washington County TV - WCTV-2
Wells Community Television
Westbrook Community TV (WCTV 2/3)
Windham Cable Community Group (WCCG TV)
Woolwich - Channel 3
Yarmouth Municipal Television (YMTV)
York, Town of


Please have your access center consider joining CTAM as a voting member ($50 per year) or you may join as an individual non-voting member ($37.50). Audio or video equipment vendors or service providers may also join as non-voting members ($50.00).

 Your memberships help support CTAM's activities on behalf of community television and make this website possible. Click on the link below for details:


FCC Guidelines for PEG Channels

The FCC provides a concise definition and summary of rules relating to the provision of Public-Educational-Governmental (PEG) access which may be helpful to the public and governmental officials:


Important Information for Charter/Spectrum Customers and Local Access Stations

Please watch and DOWNLOAD FROM VIMEO the above video on your PEG stations channels for public showing. If you would like to financially support CTAM's efforts in the on-going legal battle with NCTA and its cable company members, please consider making a donation through CTAM's GoFundMe page. CTAM is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

CTAM's GoFundMe Page


As of May 30, 2019, the Maine State House of Representatives and the Maine State Senate have both officially passed our bill without amendments and it has been signed into law by Governor Mills. Keep in mind it doesn’t become law until 90 days after the session ends, then the cable company has 60 days to comply after that which puts it out to the October-November time frame.  

Following that, Charter (Spectrum) will be required to put the Community Television Channels back where they were 24 months ago and transmit them in HD if an HD signal is provided to them by the PEG originator. In addition, they will need to cable down to 15 homes per mile on all new cable franchises and comply with the other provisions outlined in the bill.

If your town is in the process of renewing their franchise, please make them aware of this so they don't sign the contract provided by Charter first which will not contain these important provisions.

Thanks to all who contacted their legislators and provided testimony at the EUT Committee hearings. Your support made the difference!

Download Tri-fold Brochure

CTAM has produced a tri-fold brochure outlining the major points of proposed legislation to ensure the non-discriminatory treatment of PEG access channels by the cable operator. Please click on the graphic at the left to download a printable PDF of the brochure AND freely distribute it.


Download or view . . .
Full Text of LD1371 in PDF Format (Revised March 22, 2019)

CTAM Press Release (3/21/2019)

Saco River Chronicles: Tony Vigue & State Senator David Woodsome from srctv on Vimeo.

Tony Vigue of the Community Television Association of Maine joins Senator Dave Woodsome of Waterboro for a discussion about recent actions taken by Charter/Spectrum Corporation and the Federal Communications Commission; actions that have potentially devastating consequences for community media channels here and elsewhere. New legislation here in Maine, sponsored by Senator Woodsome, if adopted, will benefit municipalities and consumers alike.


CTAM Presentation - PEG Channel Slamming by Charter Corp. from MBTV on Vimeo.


Charter moves community channels from srctv on Vimeo.

As part of their so called "encryption project" Charter (Spectrum) has begun moving many towns public access/community television channels away from the lower tier (where the channels are more easily found) to the 1300 series. This action will likely make it more difficult for consumers in your service area to locate local community television channels. If you would like to download either video for showing on your access channel, click the 'Vimeo' link in the lower right corner of the video to view the video on the Vimeo website. There you will find a download link.


Download video of Terri Wright, Director of Berwick Community Television talking about bill submitted by CTAM to the Maine Legislature.

Terri Wright, a CTAM member and Director of Berwick Community Television, talks about LR #130, a bill submitted by CTAM to the Maine Legislature - "An Act to Ensure Treatment of Public, Educational and Governmental Access Channels by the Cable Operator". Please click on the above image to view or download this video for showing on  your community access channel(s).

Core Values of PEG Access

The Community Television Association of Maine is committed to furthering the following Core Values as set forth by the Alliance for Community Media. They were created by Sue Buske for the ACM West Conference:

Localism: Supports local viewpoints, local perspectives, and the interests of local communities. Most mainstream media programming is intended for national audiences and does not reflect the rich diversity of American community life.

Diversity of Viewpoints-Participatory: Local communities must be able to make and air media that reflects local experiences. Our society is founded on a belief in freedom of expression and free speech.

Promote Dialogue and Discussion: Democracy works best when a wide array of voices and opinions can be seen and heard. The airing of opinions creates an opportunity for dialogue around issues and concerns that people and the community must address.

Media Literacy: A basic tenant of civil society is that the lives of all members of the community are important, and all members of society should be able to represent themselves in the media. In order to represent themselves they need access to the electronic media tools to create content, the training to use the tools, and the mechanism(s) to distribute community content.

Non-commercial: PEG access is an essential component in our public media ‘greenspace’ where, like a public park, we can reflect on who we are without the interference of commercial values.

Civic Engagement:  Many of the decisions that most affect our lives are made at the local level by city councils, school boards, mayors, and so on. PEG access keeps the public informed about local government elections, about health services, about public housing, and about other important local political and economic development activities.

Education: Public, Educational and Government (PEG) access plays an important role in our educational system. It provides a distribution medium for use by schools, libraries and colleges; and it is especially important for education in low income and rural communities.

Public Safety: In many areas PEG access channels provide for emergency information and community alerts.

Electronic Greenspace: All communication service providers using the public right-of-way or public airwaves should provide bandwidth and funding for PEG access.

You may download these Core Values of PEG Access as a pdf document from our Resources page.

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Community Television
Association of Maine
270 Main Street
Roberts Learning Center, Ground Floor
Farmington, ME 04938
E-Mail: [email protected]

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  5. https://www.harbourtonfoundation.org/
  6. https://newcovenantumc.org/
  7. https://clairemarieleguay.com/
  8. https://islamiccouncilofoklahoma.org/
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  11. https://voneinspired.com/
  12. https://www.talkforlife.org/
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  14. https://www.buyartjewels.com/
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  16. pintarbersamamedan.org
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